MSc International Healthcare Management

Entrance Year:

Apr 2025


24 months

Mode of Study:


Medium of Instruction:


University of Essex Online
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With healthcare becoming a major concern for everyone around the world, this programme is perfect for those who aspire to pursue a career in the sector or are existing healthcare managers wanting to progress.

This part-time MSc International Healthcare Management examines healthcare management issues the world is facing today. You will gain essential skills in decision-making, management, application and implementation applicable to today’s international and local healthcare environments.

Your courses are taught by experienced professional experts and industry leaders. Our curriculum will guide you through a broad range of topics including key issues and challenges senior management will tackle, how health economics can inform better public policies and planning of healthcare services, as well as evidence-based management practices in global healthcare environments.

Towards the end of the course, you will produce a report of independent research into a global healthcare management issue of interest to you. This allows you to apply and widen your practical experience and knowledge acquired in the sector.

If you are a healthcare professional looking to hone the management and leadership skills within your healthcare environment, this programme will improve your problem-solving techniques and forward-thinking analytical skills specifically to solve healthcare issues. For students with a goal to pursue a management career in hospital- or health-related public and private organisations across the globe, you will be confident enough to delve into the global healthcare sector. You can also explore roles in related fields including public and community health management, medical sales, outpatient care and more in business and healthcare sectors.

This programme is also available for Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma study options. Please reach out for more details.  

Programme Excellence

  • Assessed through a combination of written coursework and an individual dissertation
  • Optional modules explore external factors and ways to improve the health systems, marketing strategies and ethical issues
  • Students learn through a balanced approach of principles and practices as well as case studies to strengthen their strategic management and healthcare leadership skills

Course Structure

Course Structure

  • Health Economics (20 credits)
  • Financial Management in Healthcare (20 credits)
  • Strategic Management in Healthcare (20 credits)
  • Healthcare Leadership in Practice (20 credits)
  • Healthcare Management: Principle and Practices (20 credits)
  • Research Methods in Healthcare (20 credits) *
  • Dissertation (40 credits) *
  • One optional module:
    • Social Marketing (20 credits)
    • Healthcare Improvement (20 credits)
    • Social, Political and Ethical Issues in Healthcare (20 credits)

*These modules are core and must be passed to achieve the award.

Programme Start Date: 10 Apr 2025

Duration: 24 months^

^The actual duration may be longer or shorter depending on your speed of study, study options chosen and module availability.

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Learning and Assessments

Teaching methods
As a 100% online education provider, we use a state-of-the-art Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to deliver our teaching, resources and assessments. Our system tracks and manages the learning process in real-time and provides you with immediate access to your learning materials. The VLE is accessible 24/7 and allows both students and tutors to actively take part in real-time conversations and live seminars. It has been rated Gold in the Times Higher Education (THE) Online Rankings 2024.

Assessment methods
All assessments are delivered through our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). There is no requirement to go to external test centres. Instead, you will submit written assignments through the VLE; and for the few courses where exams are required, we use a virtual system that allows you to take academically rigorous exams from the comfort of your own home.

You are always aware of your current provisional grade which allows you to continually evaluate the success of your current study methods and identify areas to improve. We believe that this information helps you to make the most of your course. We achieve this by:

  • assessing you throughout modules rather than waiting for the end of year exams
  • showing your marks in your grade book which can be viewed whenever you log onto the VLE
  • rapid turnaround on work assessed to ensure your grade book is always up to date
  • ensuring you have regular contact with your Student Support team

We also have a policy of ensuring that the work submitted by students is authentic – we use a well-established electronic monitoring system to check for plagiarism.

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirement
In order to satisfy the entry route requirements for this programme, you must have either:

  • an undergraduate degree from an approved institution, equivalent to a UK Honours degree, or a relevant professional qualification; or
  • at least three years’ experience in a relevant field, supported by appropriate references


English language requirements
As the programme is delivered in English, high proficiency with English is required. If English is not your first language, your English ability should be equivalent to an IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5. We offer a free online English test to assess your proficiency if you don’t hand in an IELTS or equivalent qualification. 

You don’t need to prove your English ability if you are a national of, or have completed a qualification equivalent to a UK degree in, any of these countries

Discount and Scholarship

University education is one of the biggest investments in yourself and your career. Our tuition fees are the same for all students (in the UK and international) and include all teaching materials and required reading – there aren't any hidden charges for assessments or resits. We offer students a range of tuition fee discounts, scholarships, and payment options for our online courses:

  • Monthly payment plan available.
  • 5% discount if you pay the full course fee upfront

Δ All tuition fees shown are net of any applicable sales tax payable by you in your country of residence. Where we are required to add sales tax at the local statutory rate, this will be added to the tuition fees shown and confirmed during the payment process. Programme fees are reviewed annually. We reserve the right to increase programme fees in line with the RPI-X index.


With quality assured and flexible programmes designed specifically for online delivery, the University of Essex Online is a top-notch establishment for global students who aspire to take the full higher education experience to the next level. 

University of Essex Online works in partnership with Kaplan Open Learning, an expert in online higher education learning, for a host of online Master's degree programmes. Since 2007, this collaboration has been jointly offering high-quality online undergraduate and postgraduate degrees with more than 3,000 online students having successfully graduated.

Top rating 
A token of confidence as the highest quality online educational experience provided, the University of Essex Online has been awarded for the Best online classroom experience at the Global Student Satisfaction Awards 2021. They are fully committed to delivering world-class quality assured online programmes for aspiring students. Also, the university has received high-quality silver-rated teaching award (TEF 2023) and rated Gold in the Times Higher Education (THE) Online Rankings 2024.

Road to success
You get to enjoy the benefits of online learning with high-quality teaching resources and dedicated support, to the same level you would expect from a campus institution. The University of Essex Online provides an engaging, interactive learning experience to all students, allowing 24/7 access to its cutting-edge personalised virtual learning platform. All online courses are designed for online teaching and delivered by leading authorities and experienced tutors in their respective fields.

Top-notch support
You will benefit from mentoring and academic support throughout your entire course, from enrolment to graduation, thanks to our dedicated Student Advisers and Study Skills specialists. In the 2021 National Student Survey (NSS) in the UK that gives students the opportunity to share their views on their courses, institution, and overall experiences, 95% of participants agreed the course helped them develop the knowledge and skills they need for the future, while 94% said they found their course intellectually stimulating. What’s more, 91% of respondents were also satisfied with the IT resources to support their learning – compared to 84% across the sector. 

Study online, graduate on campus
All University of Essex Online degrees are awarded by the University of Essex, a top 30 UK university (Complete University Guide 2025). You will be welcomed to their beautiful Colchester Campus for your graduation ceremony as well as joining the global alumni community to enjoy the unique ‘Essex’ spirit.



根據一篇由《國際行為科學雜誌》發表的文章顯示,近七成人在其職業生涯或一生中,至少出現過一次冒名頂替症候群。冒名頂替症候群 (Imposter Syndrome) ,又稱冒名頂替現象 (Imposter Phenomenon),是心理學家 Pauline Clance 和 Suzanne Imes 共同提出的一種現象,意指有些人即使在學術表現或其專業上擁有成就,卻由於尚未接受自己的成功,即使周遭的人都認同他們的成就,卻常常將成功歸功於運氣、時機,甚或是他人的過分抬舉,認為自己配不上社會和別人的肯定,甚至覺得自己是「冒牌貨」。

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你認識什麼是情緒操控 (Gaslighting)嗎?

娛樂圈「優質偶像」的婚變鬧劇暫告一段落,期間曾被女方指「很典型的利用情緒操控 (Gaslighting) 作出霸凌行為」。情緒操控其實是情感操縱的一種,由於感情上的暴力不像肢體或言語般明顯,受害者很難察覺到自己正在承受精神虐待,而情緒操控者會利用各種扭曲訊息,讓受害者開始自我懷疑,影響對現實的判斷和認知。情緒操控比情緒勒索更嚴重,有研究指出:「情緒操控使受害者的心理不穩定,也會令受害者不再相信他們原本的信念。」

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「眼動療法」(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR)又稱「眼動減敏重整療法」,是由Francine Shapiro博士在1980年代後期提出、用於治療創傷記憶和相關心理癥狀的一種心理療法。「眼動療法」不止能用於急救範疇,對慢性情緒病亦有很好的療效。

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